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Inspired by the Reggio Emilia approach, 5 Little Owls Family Child Care’s goal is to provide a quality, supportive, child-centered program that encourages play-based learning. We believe that quality child care fosters the physical, social, emotional and cognitive development of the child. 5 Little Owls Family Child Care is committed to the following:


  • To provide an environment that is warm, welcoming and nurturing, with the goal of allowing children to feel safe and secure within the family setting.

  • To recognize the uniqueness and the diversity of our children and families.

  • To recognize the importance of play-based learning and create an environment that facilitates this, allowing for children to develop at their own rate. Play-based learning will foster curiosity, independence, decision-making, communication skills, self-esteem and relations with others.

  • To provide activities that are appropriate for each child’s age, interests and abilities. Routines and a balance of activities will incorporate active and quiet play; where parallel play and group based learning occurs indoors and outdoors.

  • Assisting children in their physical development by encouraging their involvement in both small and large muscle activities. Facilitating social development by modeling positive relations with others, promoting new friendships and life skills. Emotionally supporting children by allowing them to express their feelings positively, and encouraging cognitive development by providing activities that support creativity, pre-reading, writing and math skills.


We believe that families are the foundation of our program. We are committed to working with the families to support the child’s developmental success by maintaining open communication, sharing resources, exchanging information and encouraging family involvement in the program. 


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